We all have our own likes and dislikes when it comes to canon characters. Hell I've seen accounts made that I'd never thought I'd see (Brapan for example) and I love our current roster But a part of me would like to get a more canonish experience by all of us (not forcing anyone here!) taking on new characters from the same Universe.
So I'd love it if some of us (ONCE MORE NOT FORCING ANYONE!) can maybe come together and take on several matching characters. Maybe from Universe six? (Cabba, Hit, Caulifla, Pride troopers hell I don't care really) Yes I know the pride troopers are not from Uni six >_>
hmm, I don't know I had planned to actually make a character from my new race but I DO favor hit. I wouldn't mind taking caulifla now that I think about it. Or perhaps even trunks or regular bra(bulla)