So I've taken the Monetary Shop Plugin from the awesome Proboards plugin page and tweaked it a little to give out Power Level points instead of Money. So this means all power level points are not gained by the staff assigning them but rather but how often you post and how active you are with logging in and so on.
Power Levels themselves will determine who's the winner in the fight between two members are. Although this will not always be the case in most situations this is how it'll work. They shall also determine what sort of Ki attacks you can use and when you can transform. Honestly it's so very basic so nobody should have any problems.
So the forum is using the honor system which means we don't have some ridiculous calculation system that'll make the forum overall less fun. We want to trust our members so please do not wreck it. You maybe asking how the Honor system works? Well it's very simple you need to give a little to get a little. Consider losing once in a while because nobody likes a god mod.
During tournament matches and events the person with the higher power level shall normally win the fight so the more active you are the more likely you are to win! Yes it's not really fair to the people who can only be on once or twice a month but seriously we want activity so those of you who really invest your time here shall be rewarded. It's that simple.